Saturday Activities
Saturday Activities
Saturday Activities
Pat Neuman
Neuman Art
Pastels, Painting

Pastels have brought a life time of joy. I love the landscape and the blossoms and branches that bloom there. Watercolor is a recent pursuit. Twisting yarn and stitching with thread fills my spare time.

I love to scribble in the landscape and return home to my studio to continue. My paintings are a journal of my observations. Sometimes the building stood in front of me at a sketch out park, the flowers were found in a neighboring garden. I love colors and shapes. I enjoy cutting and stitching and twisting yarns in my spare time. I knit caps for babies with botanical topknots. Smith Chapel is one of Great Falls village hidden charms. The white frame building was constructed in 1890 and Lambert (Fellowship) Hall erected in 1960. Expect to met some of the congregants at tour weekend. They enjoy sharing the history of Smith Chapel.