Welcome to the Great Falls Studios Virtual Gallery. Each month we open our doors to a new exhibit. We hope you stop in often and enjoy the diverse talents of the artists of Great Falls Studios.

Etna Eruption 36” w x 48” H Acrylic on Canvas

Ocean Eyes Oil on a wood panel 11x14 December 2021 The man I portrayed is actually my husband, so in this case, definitely "the artist´s choice" :)) This artwork was rewarded with a certificate received from the Luxembourg Art Prize (international art competition).

Bottles Stoneware 8-10” February 2023 A little bit of a new look!

“3rd Birthday” Graphite on Bristol Paper 14” x 11” 2019

Goli / Guelli Acrylic and Mixed Media on Cradled Panel 36" x 24" January 2023 The words “Guelli” (earth) and “Goli” (flower) are written the same way in Persian. The poem by the 13th c. poet, Saadi, weaves in and out of the background saying the “essence” of a person is ultimately just the clay from which we are formed but the “scents of flowers” are what we pick up along the way. Ultimately though, we are all just earth and dust and the scent is transitory.

“Winter Sunset” Photograph www.gurusangatkhalsa.com artsyogi@verizon.net

“Flower Shower” Oil on Canvas www.gurusangatkhalsa.com artsyogi@verizon.net

“Lotus Song” Mixed Media on Board www.gurusangatkhalsa.com artsyogi@verizon.net

“Garden Closeup” Mixed Media on Board www.gurusangatkhalsa.com artsyogi@verizon.net

“Cracked" Photograph www.gurusangatkhalsa.com artsyogi@verizon.net

"Just Two Horses" Photography 5:7 ratio February 15th 2023 Charlie and Jeff at Kidwell Farm. Part of my "Focus on Two for February" series. @colvinkiwi

Photography 5:7 ratio February 24th 2023 Sky and Grasses outside Fort Monroe. Part of my "Focus on Two for February" series. @colvinkiwi

"Just Two Feet" Photography 1:1 ratio February 9th 2023 Hanging by two feet. Part of my "Focus on Two for February" series. @colvinkiwi

"Just Two Blooms" Photography 5:7 ratio February 27th 2023 Lenten Roses (Hellebore). Part of my "Focus on Two for February" series. @colvinkiwi

"Just Two Trees" Photography 5:7 ratio February 27th 2023 Arborvitae and Ornamental Plum. Part of my "Focus on Two for February" series. @colvinkiwi

Shadows in the Snow Watercolor 12' x 9" February 23

Roses and Eryngium Watercolor 10" x 8" February 23

The First Flowers of Spring Watercolor 8" x 12" February 23

Bittersweet photography Nov. 2020

Spring Must Be Here photography 2023 aka "Lovey Dovey"

Wineberry Popping Out for Spring photography March 2022 The spiky branches of these bushes really look like this in sunlight. Berries will be available for eating around July 4.

Last Light Collage 14"x11"

Morning Waves Collage 14"x11"

Golden Glow Collage 14"x11"

Lavender Farm Collage 10"x8"

"A Table in the Corner" Oil on linen-lined panel 20" x 16" 2023 Painted in the Old Brogue's Snuggery Dining Room as a commissioned piece. It felt terrific to be there and to capture my two willing subjects. All three of us were thrilled with the results. Happy day!

"Fini?" Oil on linen-lined panel 16" x 12" 2022 Painted "plein air" from the window of our airbnb in Paris last summer. I had views of two different cafes down below from the corner apartment. What a treat!

"Surf Time" Oil on linen-lined panel 20" x 16" 2022 This is one of my favorite pieces from 2022 -- captured plein air in Key West while standing in the surf. I couldn't believe that my two young subjects (who did not know I was painting them) returned enough times to the water for me to capture them. Almost a miracle.

The art featured in the Virtual Gallery is for sale. Contact the artist through the ARTIST PAGE of the Great Falls Studios website for details about the artwork featured in the Virtual Gallery and discover additional works of art.
Virtual Galleries of the past . . .