Welcome to the Great Falls Studios Virtual Gallery. Each month we open our doors to a new exhibit. We hope you stop in often and enjoy the diverse talents of the artists of Great Falls Studios.

World War II Memorial Photography Size Varies August 24, 2012 Washington, DC Fountain Series: A city of many fountains…

FDR Memorial Photography Size Varies August 11, 2014 …photographed over the past two decades….

Bartholdi Fountain Photography Size Varies September 19, 2014 ….some of which languished waterless for years waiting for…..

Mellon Fountain Photography Size Varies March 21, 2016 ….the funds needed for resurrection…..

Benjamin Banneker Fountain Photography Size Varies August 14, 2023 …such as this one, which came back to life a few months ago.

Achilles Heel 20” w x 20” H (I think!) Graphite and Color Pencil

Alexandria Old Town Oil 18”x14” 2023

The Butterfly Garden in Green Spring Oil 18”x14” 2023

Waterfront Park Oil 8”x10” 2023

Backlit Autumn Leaves Oil 18”x14” 2023

“Star” Acrylic on Board 13” X 13” 2023 artsyogi@verizon.net This piece is a love song to a star, one in a trillion; as we are all one in billions.

“Celebrate” Weaving of Found Objects on Frame 15 3/4” X 13 1/2” artsyogi@verizon.net This piece is a celebration of the many different pieces of materials and their various histories coming together to celebrate something new.

“Celebration” Mixed Media 11” X 7" 2023 artsyogi@verizon.net This piece is about bringing together very different elements, such as beeswax and plastic netting, in order to make something fun and new.

“Celebration” rear view Mixed Media 11” X 7" 2023 artsyogi@verizon.net This piece is about bringing together very different elements, such as beeswax and plastic netting, in order to make something fun and new.

“Celebration” side view Mixed Media 11” X 7" 2023 artsyogi@verizon.net This piece is about bringing together very different elements, such as beeswax and plastic netting, in order to make something fun and new.

Fall Color Acrylic 10"x8"

Blue Mist Acrylic 12"x12"

Backyard Carolina Allspice photography 2023 This plant also produces a nutlike fruit (see Instagram later for image)

Daylight Burglar Nabbed in the Act photography 2023 I missed this year's end-of-August sky show, the uh, blew moon.

Bird Buddies Photo collage 2023 It could have happened but it didn't.

All Eyes on the Sky Photography 5:7 ratio August 27th 2023 Which one wins the prize for most drama? The sunflower field or the sky overhead?

The Forlorn One Photography 5:7 ratio August 27th 2023 I thought I was beautiful but you cut me off and then dropped me.

The Refueling Stop Photography 5:7 ratio August 31st 2023 Sadly, this is only my second sighting of a Monarch butterfly in my garden this season.

That End of Summer Look Photography 5:7 ratio August 30th 2023 Straddling the seasons as August flips over into September.

Idalia's Gift Photography 5:7 ratio August 30th 2023 I read that we had the tropical hurricane Idalia to thank for this glorious sunset.

Kool Kat Words to optical representation 2023 I told Adobe what I wanted to see and this is what popped up. For this AI "art", I'm just the director, not the image creator.
The art featured in the Virtual Gallery is for sale. Contact the artist through the ARTIST PAGE of the Great Falls Studios website for details about the artwork featured in the Virtual Gallery and discover additional works of art.
Virtual Galleries of the past . . .